First Week of Toilet Training: How to get used to the kit

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First Week of Toilet Training: How to get used to the kit

My CitiKitty Cat Toilet Training Kit arrived a few days ago. So, it is my first week of the toilet training and I have been getting used to the kit quite well.

I just wanted to let you know that I am already used to Human’s toilet and its surrounding because she placed my cat litter box next to her toilet since the day I arrived at our house.


First Week of Toilet Training: How to get used to the kit

My first week of the toilet training is all about getting used to the Cat Toilet Training Kit. In addition to the kit, there is also other stuff that a human needs to toilet train a cat/kitten.

What human needs:


First Week of Toilet Training: How to get used to the kit

How human does it:

  1. Human lets me check and sniff the Cat Toilet Training Kit (see 2nd image above).
  2. Human removes my litter box and replaces it with the empty box that I will be using as a step.
  3. Human places the Cat Toilet Training Kit on rim of toilet and puts the toilet seat down.
  4. Human fills the Cat Toilet Training Kit with a 1cm (or 1/2 inch) of the flushable cat litter.
  5. Human places me in the center of the seat and let me sniff it and the empty box (see 3rd image above).


First Week of Toilet Training: How to get used to the kit

So, from now on, I’ll just have to dig it and then poop and pee as I usually did use my litter box. Sometimes, Human will need to use some wet toilet tissues to clean up the toilet seat. Apart from that, it has been great and no accidents so far.

The other good news is that I always get more kisses and snacks for using the Cat Toilet Training Kit properly. Well, if only I could poop all day long then I’ll get more kisses and snacks all day long as well 🙂

Human and I will keep you informed about the progress week by week. So, please stay tuned and have a wonderful weekend!


Sintra the Cat

Bonus tips from Human: 

Follow Sintra the Cat:

Cuddler in Chief

Adopted and toilet-trained cat who loves blogging

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