How to repair a scratching post like a real pro

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How to repair a scratching post like a real pro

Scratch, scratch, scratch. We, cats love and need to scratch. It is one of the natural, instinctive things – not a naughtiness – that cats do. Human got me my own cat tree as a present for my first birthday in August, last year. I love it very much, especially because my old, kitten-sized scratching post has become too small (or have I become too big? – not sure on that one) to scratch on.

The only thing that bothers me is that when I scratch and scratch on a daily basis, the cat tree (the sisal ropes to be exact) starts to wear out and has now turned very ugly. So, I need a brand-new cat tree, right?

“No, we are not going to buy a new one. Instead, we are going to repair your scratching posts ourselves and it is going to be a fun thing to do together”, said Human. I don’t know about the fun part but Human and I have had two simple ways to repair the scratching post:

How to repair a scratching post like a real pro by Sintra The Cat

1. Replacing the worn-out sisal ropes

If you only want to replace the worn-out sisal ropes, you’ll be needing:

How to replace the worn-out sisal ropes

  1. Take the worn-out scratching posts off the cat tree so you can replace the sisal ropes a lot easier.
  2. Cut the worn-out sisal ropes and glue the end of the ropes onto the scratching post.
  3. Glue the start of the new sisal rope and start to wrap the scratching post up with it.
  4. Wait a few minutes for the glue to dry and start to use the staple gun where necessary.
  5. Attach the scratching posts back onto the cat tree.
How to repair a scratching post like a real pro by Sintra The Cat

Please note, whilst the methode itself is great but Human was shocked when she found out that I was chewing some staples that came off the scratching posts. So, use this method only if you are strong enough to use the heavy-duty staple gun properly.

How to repair a scratching post like a real pro by Sintra The Cat


Human found some ready-made Trixie replacement sisal posts for scratching posts, and click here to order these Trixie replacements from Germany for Europe (and yes, they can be shipped worldwide). So, let’s go ahead and continue with the second method of repairing the scratching post.

2. Replacing the worn-out scratching posts

Replacing the worn-out scratching posts with ready-made scratching post replacements (spares) is obviously a lot easier than the first method above. All you need to do is order the right diameter, the length, and most importantly, the thread diameter (mine is M8, see image above).

How to replace the worn-out scratching posts

  1. Go to Trixie replacement sisal post for scratching posts or Trixie replacement Amazon Germany for Europe, and wait for them to arrive.
  2. Take the worn-out scratching posts off the cat tree.
  3. Replace them with the new ready-made scratching post replacements.
  4. That’s it. It’s ready to use without worrying that your cat might be chewing some loose staples.
How to repair a scratching post like a real pro by Sintra The Cat

As you see, my brand new scratching posts are bigger, longer, and also steadier than the old ones. So, now I can continue scratching and playing.

How to repair a scratching post like a real pro by Sintra The Cat

And of course, looking for some snacks. Yummy!

How to repair a scratching post like a real pro by Sintra The Cat

Good luck repairing and replacing the scratching posts and share your stories with us in the comment section below.

Bonus tips from Human:

Follow Sintra the Cat:

Cuddler in Chief

Adopted and toilet-trained cat who loves blogging

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