Tips and benefits of using an automatic feeder for your cat

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Tips and benefits of using an automatic feeder for your cat

In November last year, Human bought me this thing called, PetSafe Pet Feeder. I thought it was just another electronic toy, which I would get bored of within 15 – 30 minutes. And then, Human unpacked it, read its manual, placed four D-cell batteries inside it, set its digital clock, and put some of my dry food into the trays.


Very STRANGE indeed! …


Before I knew, the automatic feeder made a short, quick, unfamiliar noise, which made me jump away from it quite suddenly. Human insisted that I should nevertheless check the feeder carefully because there was something yummy in one of the trays. Human was right, there was my favorite dry food waiting for me.

After that day, I always jump towards the automatic feeder to enjoy my dry food. As you can imagine that Human and I have been very happy with my automatic feeder ever since, and these are some of the reasons why:


Tips and benefits of using an automatic feeder for your cat

1. No more meowing at 04.00 AM

As Human always says, “Sintra, I love you and need you but I need my sleep too.” Setting up the automatic feeder‘s clock at 04.00 AM allows me to feed myself without waking Human up, and go straight back to sleep with a full belly. Naturally, Human can sleep soundly and without my interruption until at least 06.00 AM, every morning.


Tips and benefits of using an automatic feeder for your cat

2. No more meowing when Human is not around

Human has never left me at home alone for longer than 24 hours. Still, Human needs to be away from home regularly or take a day trip occasionally. So, having this automatic feeder is like having a digital cat sitter, so I don’t have to be desperately meowing for food when Human is not around.


Tips and benefits of using an automatic feeder for your cat

3. No more meowing when Human is tired or ill

Well, Human is a human being. It’s a human sign when Human gets extremely tired or has taken ill from time to time, and not being able to feed me right on time. Setting up the automatic feeder at scheduled time enables Human to stay in bed until she feels and gets better.



There are, of course, other benefits of using the the automatic feeder depending on your cat’s needs and yours. Let me remind you that this feeder requires 4 D-cell batteries to operate, which are sold separately.

Obviously, Human needs to clean and refill the the automatic feeder regularly, and check or recharge its 4 batteries frequently. Human also uses Google Calendar to schedule all of those To-Do’s for me. Thanks, Momma 🙂


Bonus tips from Human:

Follow Sintra the Cat:

Cuddler in Chief

Adopted and toilet-trained cat who loves blogging

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